
Sonoran Sunsets is a new album  by Bry Melvin

You can find it (including samples) on Amazon MP3 Here

It is available on Napster here.

Now available on iTunes.

BryMelvin plays several instruments. this is a solo studio album , written and performed entirely by Bry Melvin.  We hope you enjoy this music.

To buy this CD or mp3 version please use the above links.

Stores: This album can be obtained wholesale directly.

Contact information is below.

Thank you

Bry Melvin




Bry Melvin

PO Box 733

Arivaca AZ 85601

The use of the ASCAP Member Logo indicates that Bry Melvin is an ASCAP member in good standing, and does not imply or indicate that ASCAP has approved of, sponsored, or is otherwise responsible for the content.

Photography and Music  Copyright 2009 Bryan Paula Melvin